Current Certification Standards (2021)
These standards have been implemented for the Credential Assessment Process (CAP). Potential CAP candidates should discuss standards options with the Registrar of the FPRC association in the jurisdiction in which you wish to practice.
Applicants must select one stream of practice under Standard 8 that most closely aligns with their education and experience.
Standard 2
Communications, Critical Reasoning and Leadership: Clear and concise oral and written communication skills are essential for Canada's professional foresters to be able to articulate goals, objectives, information and decisions to a wide range of audiences. Leadership requires the ability to effectively use communication and reasoning skills.
Standard 8B
Natural Resources and Ecosystem Management (NREM): Managing natural resources requires that the provision of ecosystem services, and social and economic demands are balanced with ecosystem sustainability, including ecosystem function, and species and landscape biodiversity across a broad land base.
Standard 8D
Forest Operations (FOPR): Forest operations management develops the skills to balance ecological, social and economic demands with the need to develop operational plans including access, harvest and post-disturbance mitigation plans that are both operationally efficient and cost effective.